Tuesday, May 26, 2009


...try again or walk away...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It just sucks.

...try again or walk away...

Tuesday, May 05, 2009




And I love you this much. <3

I always had those funny thoughts about the day you said being friends is enough. If I had asked you out for Daisy(the movie I wanted to watch), all the random ifs, would you still say the same things to me? Even though I know its much much better for us right now, like what you had wanted. The feeling just stays the same. Cos whenever he said I shouldnt hold him too tight or he need to be alone. I would feel upset. I am always guilty in love. Those negative thoughts generate negative thoughts almost killed me. Elton Mayo told me listening would help. So, I am telling you right now. I am suppose to be happily in love again and I hate to think of the day I was given up and a day I would be or might be given up. A miserable feeling that didnt happen overnight caused me to be afraid of the same situation happening again. I regreted saying the 2 words. Only because I didnt want to hear it again. Now, I am blaming it all on you because I thought I was loved by you. I am grateful to you still for letting me realise that I need to cherish what I cherish.
End, Me

...try again or walk away...

Monday, May 04, 2009

那天还刚说了我要分手 今天却好像没事的一起去买相机 ...try again or walk away...

Friday, May 01, 2009

Zipia Spree (OPEN)
Log in to view items details and price.
Zipia.net ID: zipia.madness@gmail.com
Password: 12345

Guy clothes available too.

Current capping: 132 /500 USD
Pending order(s): 2 (10 items)

Visit http://spreekingdom.com/ to register and visit more sprees.

USD to SGD exchange rate in paypal always change.
But I will still fix it as 1.57.
If you think I should earn a little, feel free to transfer me more money.

...try again or walk away...